'; border=';0'; alt=';Image and video hosting by TinyPic'; ( ME)'; border=';0'; alt=';Image and video hosting by TinyPic';%26gt; (HILARY)Would my skin tone look good with this hair color (picture included)?
Just a little bit. Maybe a bit lighter?Would my skin tone look good with this hair color (picture included)?
no ma'am. lol i like it, it would probablly look better bec you have a little bit of a darker complected skin = ]]
ummmmm yeahh.... but just get urs a little lighter than what she has...
A good haircolor doesn't just depend on your skin tone. Your natural haircolor and eyecolor also play a big role. If you could include these two things then that would be great.
Too dark. Your hair doesn't look frizzy. Use a shine product.
yea it u want ur eyes to stand out
yes it would look good. i have pretty much the same skin tone as you (a little bit lighter) and i died my hair that dark. i like it so much more than before. i think it will look good on you
i think that color hair,Duffs', is way too dark for ur skin color. I think it'll make u look very pale.
the color u have is perfect.
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