Saturday, February 20, 2010

I absolutely hate my hair color, pictures?

any suggestions.I absolutely hate my hair color, pictures?
you should dye it a dirty or bleach blonde and then use fake bake and you'll get that beachy look which is perfect for summerI absolutely hate my hair color, pictures?
i think darker deffo.

but not too dark, just a couple of shades.

but i would recommend trying it first with semi-permanent / temporary hair dye so as if you don't like it you can easily wash it out.

good luck.
maybe dye it a dark chocolate brown, and let your hair grow out to be long
but your hair is so pretty! Why would you want to change it? Oh well, whatever. If I were you and I HAD to change the color of my hair, I would make it red. Maybe a brownish-red, so it looks more natural, as if the sun did it.
As a hairdresser.. i think your hair is really pretty :]

But i can suggest maybe getting some cute highlights.. maybe a little layering in your hair can accentuate the really pretty color!
really really deep red or get blond highlights or lowlights
I think it suits you well hun...

Umm maybe something a tad lighter, like more sandy brown would look good, maybe with some highlights?

Don't go darker, it wouldn't suit your skin tone plus it just looks plain emo..
A dark dark brown would make your eyes stand out more=]
Many people would dye for your heathly long naturally beautiful hair. I personally think your hair is a gorgeous carmel color i've always wanted. But if your looking for something spunk don't go with a blonde to many people do that %26amp; it looks to cheap. I'd go with a nice reddish auburn, now i'm not saying a red attention grabbing color. But a dark auburn red, go to the salon %26amp; say auburn %26amp; they'll be able to show you what i mean lol!

Hope this helps %26amp; enjoy your summer,


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